Running the pipeline

The EMIR DRP is run through a command line interface provided by numina.

The run mode of numina requires:

  • A observation result file in YAML format

  • A requirements file in YAML format

  • The raw images obtained in the observing block

  • The calibrations required by the recipe

The observation result file and the requirements file are created by the user, the format is described in the following sections.

Format of the observation result

The contents of the file is a serialized dictionary with the following keys:

id: not required, string, defaults to 1

Unique identifier of the observing block

instrument: required, string

Name of the instrument, as it is returned by numina show-instruments

mode: required, string

Name of the observing mode, as returned by numina show-modes

frames: required, list of strings

List of images names

children: not required, list of integers, defaults to empty list

Identifications of nested observing blocks

This is an example of the observation result file

id: dark-test-21
instrument: EMIR
mode: TEST6
  - r0121.fits
  - r0122.fits
  - r0123.fits
  - r0124.fits
  - r0125.fits
  - r0126.fits
  - r0127.fits
  - r0128.fits
  - r0129.fits
  - r0130.fits
  - r0131.fits
  - r0132.fits

Format of the requirements file

This file contains calibrations obtained by running recipes (called products) and other parameters (numeric or otherwise) required by the recipes (named requirements). The file is serialized using YAML

Example requirements file:

version: 1                                             (1)
products:                                              (2)
   - {id: 1, content: 'file1.fits', type: 'MasterFlat', tags: {'filter': 'J'}, ob: 200}     (3)
   - {id: 4, content: 'file4.fits', type: 'MasterBias', tags: {'readmode': 'cds'}, ob: 400} (3)
   - {id: 1, content: 'file1.fits', type: 'MasterFiberFlat', tags: {'vph': 'LR-U'}, ob: 1200} (3)
   - {id: 2, content: 'file2.yml', type: 'TraceMap', tags: {'vph': 'LR2', 'readmode': 'fast'}, ob: 1203} (3)
requirements: (4)
       MegaraArcImage:  (5)
          polynomial_degree: 5 (6)
          nlines: [5, 5]       (6)
  1. Mandatory entry, version must be 1

  2. Products of other recipes are list, by instrument

  3. The products of the reduction recipes are listed. Each result must contain:
    • A type, one of the types of the products of the DRP in string format

    • A tags field, used to select the correct calibration based on the keywords of the input.

    • A content field, a pointer to the serialized version of the calibration.

    • A id field, unique integer

    • A ob field, optional integer, used to store the observation id of the images that created the calibration.

  4. Numerical parameters of the recipes are stored in requirements, with different sections per instrument.

  5. The name of the observing mode.

  6. Different parameters for the recipe corresponding to the observing mode in (5)

Running the pipeline

numina copies the images (calibrations and raw data) from directory datadir to directory workdir, where the processing happens. The result is stored in directory resultsdir. The default values are for each directory are data, obsid<id_of_obs>_work and obsid<id_of_obs>_results. All these directories can be defined in the command line using flags:

$ numina run --workdir /tmp/test1 --datadir /scrat/obs/run12222 obs.yaml -r requires.yaml

See Command Line Interface for a full description of the command line interface.

Following the example, we create a directory data in our current directory and copy there the raw frames from r0121.fits to r0132.fits and the master bias master_bias-1.fits.

The we run:

$ numina run obsresult.yaml -r requirements.yaml
INFO: Numina simple recipe runner version 0.15
INFO: Loading observation result from 'obsrun.yaml'
INFO: Identifier of the observation result: 1
INFO: instrument name:
... INFO stacking 4 images using median INFO bias reduction ended
INFO: result: BiasRecipeResult(qc=Product(type=QualityControlProduct(), dest='qc'), biasframe=Product(type=MasterBias(), dest='biasframe'))
INFO: storing result

We get information of what’s going on through logging messages. In the end, the result and log files are stored in obsid<id_of_obs>_results. The working directory obsid<id_of_obs>_work can be inspected too. Intermediate results will be saved here.

On the other hand, in the following we attach a short code to run pyemir by using a Python script. This is useful to use the Python debugger.

from numina.user.cli import main

def run_recipe():
    main(['run', 'obsresult.yaml', '-r', 'requirements.yaml'])

if __name__ == "__main__":